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Infection control statement


This practice is committed to the control of infection within the building and in relation to the clinical procedures carried out within it. This statement has been produced in line with the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and details the practice’s compliance with guidelines on infection control and cleanliness.

The author of this statement is Jacqueline Jones.

Infection control lead

The practice’s clinical lead for infection control is Dr K Davies, GP Partner/ Jacqueline Jones, Practice Nurse.

The practice’s non-clinical lead for infection control is Donna George, HCA.

The infection control lead has the following duties and responsibilities within the practice:

As a practice, we work together to ensure that safe and effective systems are in place to ensure that staff, patients and other members of the public can be protected from avoidable infections.

We have a written protocol on policies and procedures for infection control pertinent to the activities carried out.

We have a Staff are offered Immunisation protection.

Significant events related to infection control

There have been no significant events relating to infection control at the practice between the dates of 22/02/2022 – 22/02/2023

Audits relating to infection control

The following audits relating to Infection Control have been undertaken at the practice between the dates of 22/02/2022 – 22/02/2023 and the following recommendations and/or actions plans were produced in response to the findings:

Only one action point to review a refurbishment of the treatment room to which we are awaiting instruction from the local ICB concerning their GP Estates Strategy before making any substantial premise investment.

A monthly cleaning audit is undertaken by the cleaning contractor, Lawrence Cleaning.

Practice policies, procedures and guidance relating to infection control

The practice maintains the upkeep of the Infection Control Policy it was updated on the 01/03/2023 and will be reviewed every three years as well as being amended on an ongoing basis to keep up with changes in regulation etc.

The following policies, procedures and guidance have been updated between the dates of 22/02/2022 – 22/02/2023.

  • Staff Immunisation Policy: Updated 3 yearly
  • Infection Control Policy: Updated 3 yearly
  • Cold Chain Protocol: Updated 3 yearly
  • Green Book of Immunisations: Ongoing Review.
  • Fridge Temperature Check: Twice Daily.
  • Fridge/Stock Check: Monthly.
  • Legionella water check: Monthly.

Training relating to infection control

All staff member have received instruction, information or training relating to Infection Prevention and Control at the point of this assessment.

All staff have completed mandatory training.