Dr Lucy Martin
MBChB Manchester 1996, MRCGP, DRCOG
Dr David Shukla
MBChB Birmingham 2001, MRCGP
Dr Katie Davies
Dr Victoria Smart
MBChB B’ham 1984, MRCGP, DCH, DFFP
Dr Andrea Hayles
Dr Nuuh Artan
Mrs Kelly Houseman
Practice Manager
Ms Karen Webb
Deputy Practice Manager
The partnership is not a limited partnership.
- Telephone: 01384 254423
- Email: bcicb.evehill@nhs.net
- www.evehillmedicalpractice.com
Surgery Opening Hours
Monday to Friday
8.00am – 6.30pm
Extended Hours Monday & Thursday
Closed all public bank holidays.
How to see the Doctor
The aim of our appointment system is for every patient to be seen by a doctor within 24 hours of asking for an appointment. Telephone 01384 254423 at 8:00am or as soon as possible afterwards or request an appointment via our website. You will be offered an appointment for the same day if there is still availability. A limited number of appointments are available to pre-book up to 4 weeks in advance.
If you wish to see a specific doctor, this will be possible, but you may be asked to ring back on a different day. This is because all the doctors work on different days and that particular doctor may be fully booked. Consulting hours are usually between 8.30 and 11.30am, and 2.30 and 6.00pm.
All registered patients 75 or over will be assigned a named accountable GP. If you wish to find out your accountable GP please speak to reception.
The practice participates in extended hours. Extended hours are covered between 6.30pm and 8pm Monday to Friday and 9am-5pm on Saturdays. Appointments are available across our PCN Network. The practice participates in extended hours on a Monday and Thursday.
Urgent Appointments
Should you require an urgent appointment you will be offered an appointment or your concerns will be passed to our on call GP to be triaged. This may involve you being referred to other services or being asked to send photos of your conditions if this is appropriate.
Cancelling Appointments
If you are unable to keep your appointment, please let us know as soon as possible, so we can use it for another patient.
Home Visits
Please reserve requests for home visits for cases that genuinely cannot attend the surgery. If you require a home visit, please telephone 01384 254423 before 10.30am if possible.
When the Surgery is Closed
‘Out of hours’ means after 6.30pm and up until 8.00am weekends and bank holidays.
Out of hours calls are only for those with genuine emergencies that cannot wait until the next surgery.
Advice out of hours can be obtained by calling the 111 service, this is commissioned by Black Country ICB.
- Black Country ICB, NHS Black Country Integrated Care Board Civic Centre, St Peter’s Square, Wolverhampton, WV1 1SH
- Telephone: 0300 0120 281
- Email: bcicb.time2talk@nhs.net
Practice Charter
You will always be offered the best medical and nursing care. We constantly monitor our standards and provide a wide range of supportive services and clinics for your benefit. All doctors and staff are committed to giving you the highest standard of care at all times and we make every effort to achieve this aim.
The practice always endeavours to treat you with courtesy whether in the surgery, in your home or on the telephone. In return we expect the same from you. The surgery operates a zero tolerance policy for violent or verbally abusive patients which means you may be removed from the Practice list with immediate effect.
Your medical records are confidential and will not be discussed with anyone without your written permission. If you have a confidential problem you may ask to speak to the receptionist or nurse privately.
We try to ensure that patients are seen without undue delay. Appointments are normally available within 24 hours, although to see a specific doctor may necessitate a longer wait. Urgent cases are always fitted in on the day requested.
We operate a zero tolerance policy, any violent or abusive behaviour will not be tolerated at the practice. If you do not respect this policy actions may be taken to remove you from the practice.
To work effectively together we need your co-operation. Please be punctual, this helps other patients as well as the practice. If you cannot keep your appointment please cancel it as soon as possible.
Please make a separate appointment if more than one member of your family needs to be seen; if you have several problems to discuss you may be asked to make another appointment.
If appointment times are running late please be patient. One day it may be you who needs extra time. Requests for visits in the evening and during the night should only be for real emergencies, which cannot wait until the next working day.
Our phone lines are very busy in the mornings, so please make non-urgent enquiries later in the day.
Be prepared to give the staff some details of your problem when you contact us. This enables us to give priority to urgent requests.
Complaints and Suggestions
We welcome your comments and suggestions on the facilities and services provided by the Practice. If you are pleased with the service you receive or feel that there could be an improvement please let us know. We consider a complaint to be anything you feel dissatisfied with that requires a response.
If you have a complaint don’t be afraid to tell us at the practice how you feel but please do be constructive and we will look into your complaint and respond to you.
How to complain
Many complaints can be dealt with at the time that they arise either by speaking to one of the doctors or the Practice Manager. If this is inappropriate for whatever reason you should put your complaint in writing and send it to Mrs K. Houseman the designated complaints officer for the practice.
Who can complain?
- The patient
- Anyone with the patient’s written consent
- Anyone on behalf of someone too ill or too old to complain
- On behalf of a child
- Normally the next of kin where the patient has died
Complaints Procedure
The Practice has a complaint leaflet available in Practice or on our website for more information on this.
Privacy Notice
Please see our Privacy policies.
Telephone Advice
If you need to talk to a doctor or nurse on the telephone this may be arranged by reception. You may be asked to call back to speak to the doctor or nurse at a time when they are free.
To order a repeat prescription for medication taken on a regular basis, please use the order form on the right hand side of your printed prescription. A review date is also printed to remind you when you need to see the doctor again about your medication. You can also sign up for online prescription ordering with the practice, or use one of the local pharmacy ordering services. 48 hours notice is required for repeat prescriptions.
If you have a nominated pharmacy your prescription will be electronically sent to that pharmacy. If you wish to change this approach the pharmacy you wish to nominate.
Please avoid asking for prescriptions for medicines for minor illnesses. These can be obtained from the local chemist.
Repeat dispensing is available, if you wish to change to repeat dispensing please speak to your clinician.
Please note, all calls in or out of the Practice are recorded for quality, training and to inform any future queries you may have.
Test Results
Please telephone the surgery for the results of tests after 11.00 a.m. Information is confidential and will only be given to patients – unless the patient is under 16.
All registered patients at the surgery will have been allocated their named accountable GP.
How to Register as a Patient
If you live within the practice area, please complete a registration form. This can be completed online, or can be collected from the surgery at reception. You will be asked for 2 forms of ID, 1 being a photo. Newly registered patients will be offered a well person check-up on joining the practice.
Change of Details
Please advise us if you change your name, address or telephone number so that our records are correct. If you move house out of the practice boundary, you may be asked to leave the practice list.
We are a computerised practice, but can assure you that all details on the computer records are strictly confidential. Further information regarding who has access to patient information can be found in our privacy notice on our website.
Reports, Certificates & Medical Examinations
Certain services are provided on a private basis, for example, passport forms, private sick notes, HGV medicals and private insurance claims.
Please see Non NHS work for a full list of fees.
We reserve the right to charge for holiday vaccinations not covered by the NHS regulations, details from the practice nurse. The doctors have the right to adjust the fees at any time.
Disabled Access
The practice has level access for the disabled & wheelchair users.
The Practice is registered as a Research Practice and you may be invited from time to time to participate in studies suitable for you. You can of course opt out of this.
The clinics we offer are all held at the surgery. The receptionist will inform you of the times when you request an appointment.
If you cannot attend during a clinic session we will make arrangements to see you during surgery hours. Our clinics include those for asthma, diabetes, coronary heart disease, chronic kidney disease and smoking cessation.
We also provide antenatal clinic and postnatal checks, family planning clinic, baby clinic, child development checks, breast checks and cervical smears. We offer blood pressure checks, immunisations for foreign travel, flu and pneumonia vaccination and childhood immunisations.
The doctors also perform minor operations. If you have not been seen by a doctor for over 3 years, health checks are available. We also offer annual health checks for the over 75’s.
The Primary Health Care Team
The practice team comprises doctors, practice manager, practice nurses, secretary and receptionists, all of who contribute to the smooth running of the practice and the provision of care to all our patients. We have a vital support team of community (district) nurses, health visitor, community midwives, physiotherapist, counsellor, community psychiatric nurse, and Macmillan nurse.
Practice Nurses
You can make an appointment from Monday to Friday for such things as minor injuries, dressings, injections, removal of stitches, ear-syringing, blood tests, travel immunisations, dieting, stopping smoking. The nurse also offers full family planning advice and cervical smears.
Training of Medical Students & General Practitioners
We assist the University of Birmingham in training their medical students.
We are a training practice for the Royal College of General Practitioners. We usually have an additional doctor known as the GP Registrar. He or she is a fully qualified and experienced doctor; you may be offered the opportunity to see them. We would be grateful if you would welcome them to the practice.
CCTV Surveillance
Surgery is under surveillance 24 hours, for the safety of patients, staff and premises. There is no recording in consulting rooms. A copy of the CCTV Code of Practice can be obtained at reception. Any realise of CCTV recordings are done accordance with the Data Protection Act.
Useful Telephone Numbers
- Age Concern: 01384 242684
- Alcoholic’s Anonymous: 01384 482929
- Alzheimer’s (Dudley): 01384 70391
- Atlantic House (drug advice project): 01384 426120
- Citizens Advice Bureau: 01384 816066
- Dudley Cancer Support: 01384 231232
- Dudley Group of Hospitals: 01384 456111
- HIV / AIDS Support Project: 01384 444300
- Mary Stevens Centre (visual impairment): 01384 440333
- Mary Stevens Hospice: 01384 443010
- MIND (mental health support): 01384 442938
- Orchard Centre (support for parents/carers of children with special needs): 01384 813958
- Samaritans: 0345 909090
- Wolverhampton Hospitals: 01902 307999
Support for Carers – Do you help to take care of someone?
Carers are people who look after a family member or friend with a long-term illness or disability. This can vary from a few hours a week to full time care. Please inform the practice if you take care of someone. The practice keeps a register of all carers to make sure we can support you in this role.
Dudley Carers Initiative offers information and support to carers. It sends out a regular newsletter and offers advice about services. If you are not sure if you are a carer, would like more information or wish to go on the mailing list contact the Carer’s co-ordinator on 01384 818723.
Practice Area
- Mrs Vanessa Bond, RGN, Practice Nurse
- Mrs Jackie Jones, RGN, Practice Nurse
- Mrs Donna George, Health Care Assistant
- Miss Kira Bell, Nurse Associate
- Kim Skidmore, Secretary
- Kimberley Boden, Admin/IT Manager
- Ella Webb, GP Assistant
- Beth, Practice Administrator
- Clare Hale, Patient Services Team Leader
- Sam, Demi, Beki, Cally, Patient Services Advisor
- Vicki and Sam, Clinical Administrator
- Falak, Apprentice Clinical Administrator
- Vikesh, Apprentice Patient Services Advisor
If you require this information in an accessible format, such as large print, Easy Read or Braille, please contact the practice by telephone on 01384 254423, by email at bcicb.evehill@nhs.net or ask a receptionist.